Liquid Publications: Scientific Publications meet the Web
Changing the way scientific knowledge is produced, disseminated, evaluated, and consumed.
Project description
The LiquidPub original project ended with the project review on May 13th 2011.
Here are the main results we delivered (see Research Areas and Tools for more information):
- An extensive analysis on the effectiveness of peer review, citation based metrics, and of homophily effects in citation patterns;
a tool and process (available for the use to the general public);
Liquid books, a novel evolutionary model for writing books that mix the benefits of multi-author collaborations with the agility, freedom and simplicity of personal editions;
a platform for creating knowledge-sharing communities and encourage conversations out of events and seminars. The platform is available for the use to the general public;
- A concept and model for scientific knowledge objects: implemented, available, and supporting multiple applications
- OpinioNet: measuring the social reputation of people and knowledge;
- Diversity-aware search, a tool for finding knowledge related to what you do produced in communities different from yours;
- LiquidPub GreenPaper, describing the summary of the achievements and proposing concrete recommendations to different stakeholders.
Efficient waste management is one of the greatest challenges of our time. New digital technologies can facilitate the processes of communities, residents and businesses. The range of innovations ranges from intelligent waste containers to autonomous sorting technologies. Like any other sector, the waste and recycling industry tends to exploit the opportunities offered by digitalization. For several years, companies have been working, for example, to make waste containers intelligent using sensors, data processing and communication technologies. Most often, start-ups are the spearhead of these developments. One dumpster rental company recently created an intelligent waste container that uses artificial intelligence to automatically separate waste into different groups and compress it. A level sensor informs the company when the container should be emptied.
Our life is organized around electronic devices, of which we make unrestrained consumption. Because this is the harsh law of electronics: as soon as you buy it, a product is already out of date. So what do we do with our old stereo, our outdated computer, or that cell phone that still works, but doesn't have the new practical options? We put them in the garbage or on the sidewalk. Thus creating a serious environmental problem. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) estimates that between 20 and 50 million tonnes of electronic waste is produced worldwide each year. In Canada, two Environment Canada studies published in 2003 already pointed out that 140,000 tonnes of electronic equipment were sent to Canadian landfills each year, where they gradually contaminated the soil and groundwater, but lack of better waste management protocols. These same studies estimated that this electronic waste contained approximately 4,750 tonnes of lead. Knowing that lead has harmful effects on our neurological system, our TV on the sidewalk takes on the appearance of a public health problem. Finally, the puzzle of electronic waste is also an economic nonsense. Electronics contain precious resources like ferrous metals, aluminum and copper, which are up to 10 times more expensive to extract than to recycle. In addition, the UNEP underlines that several special metals necessary for the development of clean technologies are in the process of exhaustion, for lack of recycling. However, in Quebec, for example, barely 6% of computer and electronic equipment is recycled, even if 80% of computer and electronic parts are recyclable or reusable.
Our life is organized around electronic devices, of which we make unrestrained consumption. Because this is the harsh law of electronics: as soon as you buy it, a product is already out of date. So what do we do with our old stereo, our outdated computer, or that cell phone that still works, but doesn't have the new practical options? We put them in the garbage or on the sidewalk. Thus creating a serious environmental problem. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) estimates that between 20 and 50 million tonnes of electronic waste is produced worldwide each year. In Canada, two Environment Canada studies published in 2003 already pointed out that 140,000 tonnes of electronic equipment were sent to Canadian landfills each year, where they gradually contaminated the soil and groundwater, but lack of better waste management protocols. These same studies estimated that this electronic waste contained approximately 4,750 tonnes of lead. Knowing that lead has harmful effects on our neurological system, our TV on the sidewalk takes on the appearance of a public health problem. Finally, the puzzle of electronic waste is also an economic nonsense. Electronics contain precious resources like ferrous metals, aluminum and copper, which are up to 10 times more expensive to extract than to recycle. In addition, the UNEP underlines that several special metals necessary for the development of clean technologies are in the process of exhaustion, for lack of recycling. However, in Quebec, for example, barely 6% of computer and electronic equipment is recycled, even if 80% of computer and electronic parts are recyclable or reusable.
You can also have a look at the original Project Vision.